Effective May 1, 2023

Effective Monday May 1, 2023, masks are optional indoors.

However, please carefully note the following:

  • Please do not come to school if you have any COVID symptoms, flu symptoms, or had a positive COVID test three days or less prior to attending training at school.
  • If you have contracted or tested positive for COVID, please do not attend the school unless you are symptom free and have had two sequential negative tests, 24 hours apart.
  • Anyone who displays symptoms in classes will be asked to immediately leave the school. No exceptions.
  • We will continue social distancing and holding as many classes outdoors as much as possible.
  • Consider receiving the latest COVID-19 and Flu vaccines.
  • Consider wearing masks indoors with a large group of people, including at our school.

Although wearing a face covering is no longer mandatory, it is one of the most important things someone can do to protect themselves and others against COVID-19. Please be considerate to your fellow classmates and respect their decision if anyone chooses to mask at any time.